InsideUni Q&A with Oxford and Cambridge unis

InsideUni Q&A with Oxford and Cambridge unis

Our friends at InsideUni (a great resource if you want to apply to Oxford and Cambridge) partnered with Project Access and had a live Q&A with students currently studying at Oxford and Cambridge:

Here is the overview of the video:

00:00:00 - Introduction

00:03:07 - Introduction to Section 1: Day in the Life

00:03:15 - Day in the life of a Maths student (Oxford)

00:04:30 - Day in the life of a History student (Cambridge)

00:05:38 - Day in the life of a Human, Social Political Science student (Cambridge)

00:07:14 - Introduction to Section 2: Questions submitted in advance

00:07:30 - Do people get in having reapplied if they didn’t get in the first time around?

00:09:42 - Do we like the teaching methods and are they up-to-date?

00:13:10 - As an international student, what is a detailed breakdown of the process from first contact with the university to getting in?

00:16:34 - How important are colleges and which one is best?

00:18:37 - How does the college pooling system work?

00:21:10 - What is the social life like?

00:24:20 - Introduction to Section 3: Questions submitted during the live Q&A

00:25:02 - Are Economics lessons integrated into Engineering studies?

00:26:55 - What book would you recommend to read beyond the HSPS recommended reading list?

00:28:38 - Would you recommend applying to Nuffield College? How do I decide which college to apply to?

00:30:30 - Are there any major differences in PPE teaching between different colleges?

00:31:41 - Any tips for the personal statement (including for subjects you haven’t studied before university)?

00:37:31 - Are practice interviews a good way to prepare?

00:40:48 - Is the emphasis on academic subjects true for Master’s applications/personal statements as well as undergraduate applications?

00:42:18 - What kind of maths questions come up in the Economics interview?

00:45:40 - Introduction to Section 4: One useful resource we used when we applied

00:45:52 - Akil (Engineering, Cambridge): I Want to Study Engineering website (

00:46:00 - Charlotte (Maths, Oxford): Oxford Maths Department Website (

00:46:29 - Natalie (History, Cambridge): Cambridge History Virtual Classroom (

00:46:48 - Peter (PPE, Oxford): ‘Thinking Strategically’ by Avinash Dixit and Barry Nalebuff (

00:47:44 - Tami (HSPS, Cambridge): ‘The Racial Contract’ by Charles W. Wills ( and ‘The Wretched of the Earth’ by Frantz Fanon (

00:48:36 - Helena (English, Oxford): Carol Rumen’s ‘Poem of the Week’ column in The Guardian newspaper (

00:49:12 - Introduction to the rest of the Q&A series

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